How to Set up Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed

How to Set up Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed

Our expert Magento 2 developers have helped some of our valued customers to set up a Google shopping feed for their Magento 2 websites so they can sell their products through Google ads effectively.

Guide To Setup Magento 2 Google Shopping Feed

We have prepared this guide which will help you to set up Magento 2 google shopping feed.

1) Google Shopping Feed For Magento 2

Magento doesn’t have an easy way to export products in a format that can be used as a feed, so to set up and use a google shopping feed for your Magento 2 webshop, this extension Simple Google Shopping will be required. Download the extension and install it by following the below steps.

You will need to log in to your server using SSH access to run commands from the terminal. Go to your Magento root directory and upload the extensions files and run the below command:

php bin/magento setup:upgrade

And after that run another command to deploy the theme files.

php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy

This will install the extension on your site and it’s ready for you to start creating a product feed for google shopping.

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2) Configuration

Go to Admin->Products->Simple Google Shopping and click on Create New Data Feed to start creating a new feed.

While creating the feed there is a very useful Toolbox provided on the right side to help you create the data feed more quickly with a list of attributes, a preview, and reporting for warnings and errors.

Let’s start with the first tab Configuration for the feed.

Configuration Google shopping feed magento-2

Here you need to enter the Filename, path of the file, the store for which you require feed, and your site URL along with the title and description for the feed.

The XML patterns are included with the default syntax which generates the feed with the most basic details which you can modify as per your need.

Here the Toolbox will be of use where you can add, modify or remove specific attributes and set them as per various attribute variables and parameters. There are many sets of functions and use of PHP function calls provided as well for more advanced feed generation.

Toolbox - Google shopping feed magento-2

3) Categories

The next step is to choose the Categories you want to include/exclude based on the Product and/or Parent categories. You can also map your categories to define the Google product category it belongs to which can be different in your store as per your need. Choose the category that best matches your store’s category.

Categories - Google Shopping Feed Magento-2

4) Filters

After that, you can specify different filters to export products in the feed as per your need. Here you can choose Product Type, Attribute Set, Product Visibility, and Advanced Filters as well.

Filters - Google Shopping Feed Magento-2

Advanced Filters, give you more control over the feed to serve your custom needs for feed generation with personalized filters. For example, you want the feed to include only products with prices higher than 0 and for which SKU is compulsory.

Advanced Filters - Google Shopping Feed Magento-2

5) Cron Schedule

Now that you have specified all the details for the product feed it’s time to set up the feed generation. Here you can define the days and hours for your data feed to be generated automatically when you require it. Make sure that the cron jobs are enabled and set up on your server for the automatic feed generation to work. Discuss with your Magento 2 Web Development Company to set up cron jobs.

Cron Schedule - Google Shopping Feed magento-2

Also, you have the option to generate your data feed manually from the configuration panel by clicking on GENERATE button and from the action dropdown of the data feeds grid as well.

GENERATE Button - Google Shopping Feed Magento-2

You can now view the created data feeds listed according to IDs with the name of the file, its path, and the link to the data feed file. Your view number of products exported, the time it took, and the number of errors and warnings in your data feed.

There will be status on data feeds according to the condition which is self-explanatory. Use the Action dropdown to manage the feeds.

Google Shopping Data Feed - Magento 2

Now that you have your feed generated you can go into your Google Merchant Centre account and upload your store and products data feed to Google by manually uploading the file or specify the direct link of the feed and specify the time interval to fetch the feed in Google and make it available for Google Shopping ads.

Please feel free to ask any questions you may have, We would be more than happy to help.

Digital Marketing Manager

Nitin is the Digital Marketing Manager at Icecube Digital. He has helped many organizations grow their business online and improve sales through strong branding and consistency in communication.

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